
Token Supply: 900 billion tokens

Initial Distribution:

  • Liquidity: 50% of the Initial token supply, which amounts to 450 billion tokens, will be allocated to Pancakeswap liquidity.

  • Burn : 50% of the Initial token supply, which amounts to 450 billion tokens, will be allocated to Burn (deadWallet)

Transaction Fees:

  • No TEAM Token: There will be no separate TEAM token in the tokenomics.

  • No Buy/Sell Fee: There will be no buy or sell fees associated with PepeBand Crypto Token transactions.

  • Total Transfer Fees: A 5% transfer fee will be applied to each transaction. This fee will serve the following purposes:

    • Marketing: 3% of the transfer fee will be allocated to fund marketing, development and CEX (Centralized Exchange) listings, ensuring the long-term growth and development of PepeBand Crypto Token.

    • Burn: 2% of the transfer fee will be allocated as a burn fee. This fee will be periodically burned, reducing the total token supply over time and potentially increasing the token's value.

These tokenomics aim to create a fair and sustainable ecosystem for PepeBand crypto token. The transfer fee encourages long-term holding, the burn fee reduces token supply Please note that these tokenomics are designed to serve as a guideline, and the actual implementation may vary based on the project's specific needs and goals.

Last updated